Wednesday 3 September 2008


I have been walking for hours... many, many hours today. Investigating different areas for a possible future home. I dont know where to start this post... maybe I should start this with the worst thing in a long, long time. Something I couldnt really expect, turning my world upside down, and it feels terribly confusing. And its also very bad timing as I'm doing my best to settle in on a new continent and I dont need no more worries. Its as bad as when I found out that Bo G. Eriksson is actually E-types dad. Its just not on... it's just not meant to be like that. Today I received an email from my old boss. Most of you have heard of him, the man with the big mustache. He wrote the following sentence:

"Vad beträffar min eller mina morrhår så röök de i juli efter 40 år i ansiktet enligt expertis så blev jag 12 år yngre ok lite förändring om inte väldigt ovant."

For you who dont speak Swedish. To cut it short.... The whiskers are gone! he shaved them all off. What shall we do? 4 days of sorrow and silence?

Anyhow, most of you probably don't give a damn about one mustache more or less, so I will continue the blog talking abit more about my Australian experience instead.

So... I have been here for 2 days + one evening. It feels a lot longer though as I have been looking around so many places , organizing things etc. It still feels very unreal. Everything is new and there is a lot to explore. I remember the feeling from when I first came to London. I cant tell if its good or not. I guess It will take a few weeks at least before I will settle in properly and will be able to judge.

The city center looks very big with all its sky scrapers but feels quite small when you walk around. Its very very clean and tidy in the CBD (thats what the city center is called). The darling harbor looks very very pretty, especially in the evenings. Lines of palm trees, the boats and the buzz from the surrounding restaurants and bars. The stunning opera house, in reallity its far superior all the pictures you have ever seen of it. The botanical garden is massive and absolutely beautiful, I reckon that many of my summer days will be spent there.
The food has been excellent so far. Most of the migrants are asian. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai. So if those kinds of cuisines rocks you boat... then you will be safe for sure.
Not only that. The supermarkets have quite a few exotic fruit and veggies I have never seen before. But I will take all my chances to eat them as soon as I find out how to cook them.
One thing I have been missing when I have been zooming around is that certain atmosphere. It feels it lacks a bit of character. Maybe its because the city is far to young to have such features. Or it might be because I have only been here for 2 days and could impossibly have dug out those hidden gems yet. I think time can only tell.

I visited the beach for the first time today. The famous Bondi beach with all its surfers. I didnt go there to swim, and I'm very glad I didnt, because the weather had turned bad as soon as I arrived. And as the spring is only a few days old (officially started on Monday) it turns fairly cold as soon as the sun is not shining. Even though there was a few brave surfers out there. But it looked extremly freezing. Its strange, the contrast between hot and cold is very sharp. When the sun is shining it becomes very hot very quickly.

Any how, as I have looked around quite a bit now, I think I know what area of town I will go for. So I will try to hook up with som estate agents tomorrow.

Here are 2 pictures from todays event.

Speak soon, bye!

A brave surfer in the cold waters of Bondi

A sign explaining what fish you are allowed to catch and not at the beach. The great white shark is one of the later.

1 comment:

Hanna said...

Det är så bra att du bloggar!
