Friday 9 April 2010

Don't read this!

2,900 calorie cheese-covered ranch dressing french fries from Outback Steakhous. About 2 years ago the Magazine "Men's Health" discovered this starter being the unhealthiest dish in america.

These news reaches me via my laptop as I'm eating a lamb Bryani from the local Indian around the corner. Lone dinners with media as company is a common thing, but a few years ago I would probably have had my TV on. The TV I got now is the biggest one I ever had, but I haven't used it as a TV in about 4 months, I choose the Lap Top instead. I choose what I want to see and read, fate gets pushed aside by total human control. 
I got half the food left on my plate (living by the theory that my tummy is not a bin bag and no one gains anything from me forcing down the food), but I cant be bothered cleaning it all up straight away. I throw to pairs of jeans in the washing machine and stepping out on my balcony listening to the noise of the city, "this is real" I think... "Things that have a smell, a texture, make real sounds, and real actions have real consequences" All of a sudden all the noises from the street appears like music. I stop romanticizing the real world out side and head back to my laptop. The Artificial waves of the internet takes me to another page talking about "Deep fried balls of butter"

When I was very young, there was only 2 TV channels and there was no 24/7 broadcasting. I had less control over what type of information I would access, but the information I got served had a guaranteed quality. I was also more likely to watch something I would have never chosen to watch in case I would have had an option, and therefore I would have been exposed to new things and I would have expanded my understanding and view of the world. It Suddenly hits me that this must be what some communist ideologies are based on. 
Kalle, an old friend and ex-colegue of mine interrupts the path of thinking and pushes me onto another artificial wave by sending me a link to a picture.

Just like the waves, this article is going nowhere, I will start again some other day.

1 comment:

Sarade said...

The fries look delicious, but I'll take the lamb...with the fried butter as dessert!
