Saturday 7 February 2009

One of the things I dont understand.

Last week on Thursday at the end of the day, Anthony, one of my new colleagues at "the Farm" was doing a presentation. I'm not sure how often they do it, but it seems all the employees takes turns where they get to talk about what makes them "tick" for about 15-20 minutes. Talk about what amuses and intrigues them so to speak.
Antony decided to talk about psychology as he studied it for many years at collage before he started his career as computer programmer and computer server expert. He was going through how Animals can be taught things using different techniques, and how humans use different parts of their brain for controlling different abilities. Studies have shown that the part of the brain controlling sense of location is substantially bigger by taxi drivers than most other people. There is probably not just one IQ, there fore intelligence must be measured on different criteria, such as math, emotions, sense of location, music etc. Anyhow... the presentation was very interesting but I had to skive off half way through.
I was hoping I would get some sort of clue to one of my mysteries. Why do some people have the urge to experience and learn something new all the time, when most people rather consume the things they already know. Around lunchtime the next day I got the opportunity to ask Anthony about this. Off course there is no either / or, The spectrum is infinite in between how curious or how safe you are. I still felt I didn't get a good enough answer. He said it inherits from ancient times, when you only went out hunting when you needed to, otherwise you tried to be safe by doing the things you knew worked. Yes, necessity is the mother of invention. But as there is living proof out there that some people don't play by that rule. And I'm sure humans wouldn't be where they are today without any curious minds continuously pushing boundaries, finding alternative solutions or brand new concepts. Where do these minds hide? By working in such a creative industry as I am I thought there would be plenty of them. I couldn't be more wrong. Well yes, compared to other kinds of jobs I have had these people are not to close to the edge of the spectrum. But I would not call many of them curious inventors or entrepreneurs. I don't think the type of work and lifestyle is the key. So what makes you a curious mind? I believe that with knowledge comes appreciation, and if this is true, the answer might be that everyone has got this skill but it needs a trigger to unlock it. We know that necessity is such a trigger. But why doesn't more people see the excitement in learning something new and evolving apart from when they don't have a choice?
I guess this will remain a mystery for quite sometime. But if I could do something to make at least a few starting finding new unexplored paths rather than treading in each others footsteps. There are so many areas that have become stale because of lack of invention, for expample, whats stopping us from comming up with a new type of cuisine?


Anonymous said...

Vi diskuterade ungefär detta ämne när jag läste psykologi också. En rätt kul teori (du vet, med psykologi så är det så att man gör bäst i att gradera teorierna just efter hur spännande de låter) är att personer som totalt bryter mot omgivningens normer och normala livsföring har olika grader av psykopati. Alltså: I ett fungerande "primitivt samhälle" så finns det, över tid, alltid några som får för sig att saker och ting kanske är lite bättre / mer spännande någon annan stans ("curious minds") - trots att det på platsen finns mat/skydd/gemenskap etc. Så de ger sig av en och en eller i mycket limiterade grupper, och 99,99% av dem går under eller lyckas inte åstakomma en stabil blodslinje. Men några lyckas (entrepenörer i ordets rätta mening). Men för att kunna bryta så totalt med normer, trygghet etc. så, lyder teorin, fodras ett psykopatiskt drag (egocentrism, ignorans för sociala sammanhang, narcissism osv.) Med andra ord: En art eller ett samfund utan psykopater/entrepenörer/curious minds är dömt stagnera och gå under!

Philip Clevberger said...

