One if the libraries had this green formation in it, it was apparently slowly moving and changing shape over time. But I guess we didnt stay for long enough to notice any drastic changes.

Slowly moving dots where projected inside of the green thing.

Mikkels feet on the glass floor covering a miniature of Sydney's City Centre

The ceiling in the old library

The old library

The old library

Later in the afternoon we headed off to Manly to Celebrate Martins 25th birthday. The party was going to be Hawaii themed and we where going to do BBQ on the beach, in true Aussie manner.
The Weather has been unusually bad for the last 2 weeks, and Saturday was no exception. We where luck not to being drenched while we where BBQing. We stayed on the beach long after sunset, then we headed back to Martins. I didn't stay to late though. Some of us stayed till 11
Many of the beaches have these kind of BBQs set up for free public use.
You see Martins german flat mate on the Photo, sorry I cant remember his name.

Kamil & Malin



The german cousin, the Melbourne girls and Martin

Malin & Gustav

I guess I had more than one beer when this shot was taken


Half Sunday I spent on Domestic activities such as cleaning and catching up with my laundry.
Another of Sydney's festivals was taking place that day as well. Tropfest, whch is the worlds biggest short film festival. It's a free event where you can enjoy your picnic in the par while watching independent short films. I looked into their website, and was not really tempted to be honest. It looked as crowded as new years eve, and it was going to go on from 3 - 23, It was realy hard to make out when the actual films where going to start. I kind of figured out it was going to be around 19.30 and it made sense as it would be better to show films as the daylight was about to disappear. I decided to go there and have a look around that time. After all, the nice weather had returned so I wanted to be outside anyway. I didn't have very hight hopes as I thought that the films would be very pretentious or amateurish. I couldn't be more wrong. Even though it was crowded it didn't feel cramped and we had a good view of the screens. We where quite a few people and we where enjoing a picnic with wine and grilled chicken. I'm quite glad I only stayed during the actual film sessions as staying the whole day would be a bit to much. On top of all that most of the films where really good, and very very funny. Thumbs up for Tropfest, it was quite unexpected that I enjoyed it.
Back of Rajdarn's head

Kat, Vani, Quan and Gustav

Minx, Maree & Mikkel

Jiggles, Kat, Vani, Quan and Gustav



Rajdarn, Jiggles and sJme other friends of Kat

I managed to catch the overview image from the helicopter while shown on the big screen. Even though it was around 70.000 people, we never felt crushed, and everyone stayed quiet during the films.


1 comment:
1. den gamla bibblan ser fantastisk ut
2. det låter mer än mysigt att grilla på stranden
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