Where are we heading? A series of wrong estimations and events of large magnitude that was not accounted for. My parents sent me this excellent link a while ago "
finanskrisen forklarat till en tolvaring" Its only in Swedish though, but translates to the financial crisis explained to a 12 year old. The explanation is pretty good and breaks it down to the bare bone. It's exactly the explanation I needed, even though it seems very obvious, I think it gives a good overview, or maybe its just me who have a mind of a 12 year old?. Never the less, even though we now understand the reason, its still very hard to grasp the result, how far its stretching and its effects and magnitude.
Here is a few pictures from a photo article in The Guardian about stock of unsold cars becoming a problem.
Unsold cars at Avonmouth Docks near Bristol

New cars jam the dockside in the port of Valencia in Spain

With many manufacturers on extended Christmas shutdown, the number of cars rolling off production lines in December fell 47.5% to just 53,823

The build-up of imported cars at the port of Newark, New Jersey

Imported cars stored at Sheerness open storage area awaiting delivery to dealers

Nissan has announced plans to cut its Sunderland workforce by 1,200. Thousands of unsold cars are stored around the factory's test track
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