After work we where going to meet up at one of Sydney's swedish pizza places ( I have heard of 2 ) but I have only been to this one. Its called Svens Viking Pizza, and I must admit its pretty good, but the ingredients are far to fresh and fancy to be the common swedish pizza place down on the corner in a swedish suburb. You won't find the standard swedish pizza names either. They have named all of the pizzas after Viking gods, and they use a woodfired clay oven to bake them. The places is decorated with Viking stuff, it looks tacky, but the food is good, and we had a great time. The reason why we where going there was because Simon was to leave the country and move to the UK. I got to know Simon when I was working at Frost*, apparently I met him allmost a year ago in Stockholm. It was Simon who told me, he went to see when I was playing records at Flim in April last year. We where both working for North Kingdom at the time without knowing. Simon is super talented, and I realy hope we get to collaborate on some projects in the future. I brought my camera and my flash. I love the flash, pictures turns out so nice. Im very happy with many of them. But its a shame the camera is so big. I would love to have a second one, a small that would fit into my pocket. So I can capture the moment when ever it comes rather than having to plan to take pictures. I have been looking into pocket size cameras passively for quite some time, and the battle seems to be between the Canon G10 and the Ricoh. I dont think I will get one any time soon. Anyhow I was glad I brought my camera last night. Here are a few of the results.
Simon in dark T-shirt and 2 of his friends who I dont know


Kat and Maree

Me practicing bedroom eyes

After the Pizza we all decided to go to a bar called the clock. The place is quite big, and not special in any way. It looks very anonymous and most people seem to be to, it could have been anywhere in any city of resonable size. A lot of people we know where there allready, and many pepole from my new job at the farm.
Kat still feeling a bit rough. It was great to see Kat again, after spending so long in hospital. This was the first time she went out in 3 weeks apart from short trips to the supermarket. She must rest for about 3 more weeks till fully recovered.




Me in Friday the 13th outfit

Kamil, went to Hyper Island the year after me, met him in London the first time.

Anthony works at The Farm

The girl to the left works at the farm, she just got back from a holiday to new york, her name is Kris.

Shannon the Technical director at The Farm eating a burger I think?


Me and Kat

Me and Kat again

Simon and Maree

Rajdarns booty shake

Kat ( and Maree and Malin in the background)

1 comment:
Vad har hänt med Kat så hon var tvungen att vara på sjukhuset så länge? Fina bilder!!
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