Mr. Fowler


2 - Random in Sydney
This clock was standing randomly in the mark one day. I wonder if it was always growing there just like a plant?

After having breakfast at the Book Kitchen one morning we found these guys

Taking a wrong turn on our way to the company Christmas party, we ended up in an alley with these hairy cancer lumps scattered on the brick wall. Hidden speakers where playing hissing noises as you got close to them. I reckon they where apart of the current art project
lane ways by george

3 - The Christmas party
After a long series of events we ended up at "The Establishment" for finger food, drinks and Secret Santa. Most gifts where "funny things" from sex shops, humor based on sex is a bit of an easy option in my opinion, so I was quite impressed with who ever got hold of the bouncy ball making kit. I wasn't to sure if a bar would be right place to actualy make the bouncy balls. But I was wrong. Here are 3 pictures from start to finish.
Rusty mixing the bouncy ball ingredients

More people helping out

The ready made bouncy balls on a stick


The broken building fixed with some glass. Not a bad idea, at least when it comes to looks.

4 - Chrismtas eve
Noel invited me to his apartment, celebrating Christmas on the 24th. A time usually spent with family, and I wasn't sure how my Christmas was going to turn out. But I'm really pleased Noel invited me, it was a great evening. On the photo below you see Dennis and Ester who also participated.

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