As in most Christian countries, Australian people celebrate on the 25th. Tim (now my former colegue) kindly invited me, Noel, Angie and young Mika to you join him with his family in law for their Christmas party. I was worried we would be crashing a family dinner. Well it was a family dinner, but they where all amazing people, good company and good food. the time just disappeared.
Tim with his new surfboard he got when he left Deepend.

Noel and Angies young son Mika, arrived only a couple of weeks ago

Tim twisting his girlfriends neck

Amber the dog, who was afraid of Mika.

We didn't have much luck with the weather.

Smoked ocean trout and other goodies
Vilken liten liten liten bäbis. Och tänk att hunden var rädd för honom. Det borde ju vara tvärt om.
Vist är det lustigt, men tydligen var hunden jätterädd för bäbisar i största allmänhet. Hunden hunde inte vara i samma rum.
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