This post will be some what a mixed bag.
Last weekend we went on a company ski trip to Persiher. I never thought I would be skiing in australia, but I must admit it was quite good. And comparable to the skiing in Sweden appart from the amount of snow. We also had to dress like super heroes. I was one of the Ninja Turtles (im the one on the far left).

Noeal, Tim, Shaun & Amelie

Jane as Cat Woman

Amar as the Joker

Peak of Blue Cow

Last week my laptop decided to fall appart. Well... not literarly. But the graphics card gave up and the repair cost was abit to close to getting a brand spaking new one. And so I did. I love Apple for their nifty ideas. As my old computer was still running, even though I couldn't see what was going on on the screen, I could still transfer everything on to my new one. So when I was starting it up, everything was installed and ready to go. Perfect!

Last week, me Kat and Ayumi went to supposedly the best japanese noodle restaurant in town. Located in northern part of Sydney called crows nest. The place was very modest looking, but was packed, and there was a cue. The food was excellent. Afterward we decided to walk home and do a stop off at the Opera bar by the opera house to have adrik. There was a Jazz duo playing live on a Fender Rhodes and vocals. They where realy good. When we left walking through the park we saw a lot of possums. Have never seen so many at the same time. They are very cute.

Jag älskar bilden på er som ninja turtles
Jag med! Ni skulle åkt skidor så!
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