Work mates Brad(US) & Mark(UK)

Kate and me

Kate & Mark

Im afraid I dont know thisone

1, Saturday afternoon, ice skating in Canterbury with Kat, Yasu, Yasu and Ayumi. I'm no Princess on ice, but I was better than I thought I would be.

No driving on the back wheel and no jeeps on the foot path please.

Authentic Korean restaurant

Great Korean Black Raspberry wine

Egg soup.. doesnt it sound good... maybe not... but think again... still doesnt sound good_ Then go and try it. I was simply amazing. A bit like loose scrambled eggs mixed with herbs and spices and seved in sizzling hot pot.

I capsule preventing you from smelling onion and garlic. Not sure if it worked

All of us

Strange things happemning on the train.

As most of the gang where gay we ended up having a drink at one of Sydneys many gay venues. It was quite amusing.

On sunday it was time for surfing again. But the sea have never been this flat.
I look like a dork on the photo, but the best proof I got.

another dork on manly beach

Jag älskar din pose på surfarbilden
nej det g;r du inte!
jo på riktigt. det är en fin bild
Ja tänk för att det ÄR det! Nu är vi två mot en. :)
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