I'm curious if anyone actually reads this blog, or if I'm writing all for my self. Well, I know some who reads it, at least occationally.
If you are a reader, please add a comment to this post.
I'm also curious if you have any suggestions or opinion regarding the content. Is there anything you want me to write about?
Thanks for stopping by.
Jag läser och kollar varje dag!!
Av princip så läser jag bara faggebloggen, men jag gör ibland hemliga undantag för denna. Jag vill ha mer konstiga saker och mat!
Jag vill att du skriver om barn!
jag... (?) (i felt a bit out of place posting in english)
Nä, det är nog med kids på fagge!
Kat, English is god. Then I know I'm not making a pointless effort not writing in Swedish. Jag = I , by the way. So I guess you can translate Jag är en lila tvättbjörn.
jag läser!
jag vill se mer vardagsliv. eller ni kanske beach:ar non-stop?
oh... oops! "i am a little raccoon" ? a little pointer for your english now... good is spelt with 2 "o"'s other wise its all a bit religious...
oh my god! (note "o" usage) i have a blog! - i forgot about it..
Jag kollar varje dag, jag premmar på alla inlägg! Jag vill självklart ha mer djur.
Jag skulle vilja ha lite mer jodre-inlägg (förutom allt annat du redan skriver om såklart), det var ett tag sen!
Hello P - I look at cat's apple every once in a while! I'm inspired by your travel and how you just went away to work in live - exactly what you'd been talking about doing for the 3 years I knew you in London! Take care, Susan
I think you should stop blogging and get a life. No seriously, write more about bass & mustaches. Do that and I might check in more often.
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