Around 9 this morning the sky was grey and dull. Which was a shame because I really wanted to go out and swim. But just to get some fresh air and see soemthing new I decided to catch a bus to Watsons bay. I'm glad I brought my swimming trunks and towel just in case, while on my way there all the clouds dissapeard and it turned out to be a terrific day.

The cliff where people jump who are really really bored with Sydney (or other things).

You can see the skyline of the city centre in the distance

Watsons bay and city skyline

I live at "A" Watsons bay is at "B"

Det känns så jäkla lockande med dina bilder i jämförelse med att titta ut genom fönstret här. 1 plusgrad, lera blandat med snö och ja.. du vet ju
Jag måste erkänna att jag inte är avundsjuk på lerblandad snö.
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