Step 1.
Take Round Gyoza skin (No its not a skin from an animal)

Step 2.
Add some filling

Step 3.
Centre filling if needed

Step 4.
Put some water around the edge with your finger, then pinch at one end to seal the skin.

Step 5.
Work your way around the edge, sealing the skin by making creases on one side, and pinch firmly to make it stick together.

Step 6.
When you are done it should look something like this.

Step 7.
When you have done this for a while, it should look something like this.

Step 8.
Fry them on one side (do not flip them over) in some oil till the get a nice golden colour.

Step 9.
Add just a little water and put a lid on to steam the rest. Its done when water has evaporated.
(They will stay crispy on one side)

Step 10.
You enjoy them with Ponzu, which is a mixture of Soy sauce, rice vinigar and citrus juice.
(sorry for the photograph, they are not well presented here, I whish I had a better one)

How about a lesson in how to make a 3 course menu with spättekaka, lungmos and "älg på surströmmingsvis"?
HAHAHA, älg på surströmmingsvis? Det låter banne mig skitäckligt.
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