The last day in London passed swiftly. Its hard to describe but it was just as if the town wanted to show itself just like you imagine London to be. As I was going through dirty brick suburbs in mini cab listening to Nigerian music on cassette tape and the life philosophies of a middle aged Nigerian man. I cant help missing London a bit, the town that grew into something special and you will always find it in a warm corner of my heart.
According to the flight path we are just reaching the east coast of the Caspian sea. Its only 17:16 in London but almost pitch black outside. Witnessed a wonderful sunset above the clouds, red purple, yellow turning into dark blue, casting its dim light on whipped cream shaped clouds. All ended by a spectacular thunderstorm in the distance. It looks amazing from above the clouds.
Till sunset there was hardly any clouds and you could see green patchwork of fields for miles, it kept on going though the countries we went through. I cant remember seeing many cities since we left London though. Possibly because my mind has been set on 2 crappy action movies on the in-flight entertainment system.
We still have 4046 Km (another 7.5h) to go before we reach the first stop in Singapore. I’m sitting next to a middle aged man from Sri Lanka who grew up in London. He doesn’t say much, which is not to bad as I'm not in the mood for talking.
Ok, I have almost written half a page without mentioning food. The Qantas airline has made a fairly good impression so far, with a good selection of food and drinks. Well... to be Airline food that is. Bulgur, feta and rocked salad and Italian lamb stew. Apart from that I have been bombarded with sweets and ice cream, spicy Japanese rice crackers etc. I don’t think we will be fed anything more till breakfast.
Its still hard to grasp what I have just done, even though I’m on my way to a new home, Left UK behind, threw my key through the letter box, left many things behind, still 15 Kg over packed heading for another continent where I have never been. Further south than I've ever been in my whole life (even crossing the equator!).
The Sri Lankan next to me have just fallen asleep. I'm listening to Rheinwellen with Electronischer Garten and cant help starting to feel a little sleepy as well. It must be the dark affecting me.
So by that sentence I end my first post welcoming you to my new adventure. I’m afraid I could only accompany it with a blurry photo of my self from my webcam.
Bye for now.
1 comment:
ar det dar ett par psp lurar jag ser?
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